April 29, 2006

Is the US headed for a Mid-East type crisis?

Back in 2001 I spent 6 months in Israel, living in the Israeli West Bank town of Ariel. I could say the experience was life changing, but that wouldn't do it justice. One of the things that shocked me was how news reports back home in the States were so biased. I had heard the Rush Limbaughs of the world pound the press bias for years, but somehow the reality of it had softened.
As I studied and observed first hand the "mid east crisis" I realized how crafty and cunning the Palestinian leaders were. These guys sat around and waited for the Israeli's to build cities, roads, trains, airports, power grids, sewer systems etc. etc., then popped up and told the Israelis leave or be driven into the Mediterranean.
Instead of reporting that the Palestinians were terrorists, the press corps called for the Israeli meanness to hand over some land "in a gesture of peace".
When the Israelis said "furgettaboutit", the Palastinians started sending in suicide bombers.
When the Israelis decided to build a wall to keep out the terrorists bombers, AP started running stories about how terrible the wall was because it was going to make it difficult for some Palestinians to get to work and how offended the poor Palestinians were. What about the Israel's getting blown up? What about the lives that have assuredly been saved because of the wall?
I spoke to my grandfather the other day and he told about how successful the wall has been. Countless lives have been saved. Why is that not reported?
I don't get it.

The land of Israel has gone back and forth from Jewish control to Arab control several times;
Much of the southern portions of the US have gone from Mexican to US control, or vice versa.

For the decades that the Arabs held Israel, they did relatively nothing with it. [Mark Twain visited the Holy Land and wrote that it was desolate and empty(except for roving Arabic nomads)...That wasn't very many years ago].
The southwestern states were empty and desolate (except for roving nomadic Indians) when the American pioneers settled them.
The Arabs waited for Israeli pioneers to settle and develop the Holy Land, then they claimed the land for themselves.
The Mexicans have waited for the US to settle and develop the southwest, now they are claiming it for their own. Even changing the US National Anthem into Spanish, and calling it "Our anthem" (or something like that).

Mark my words, the day is coming that the government of Mexico is going to demand Laredo or El Paso or San Antonio. When we don't give it to them, prepare for the suicide bombers...

April 28, 2006

Credit Cards...

Here is an incredible story.
Why can't I be this guy????
(Paying bills ontime helps...)


Jan. 14, 2005 -- Walter Cavanagh has 1,497 valid credit cards — all of which amount to a $1.7 million line of credit.
Currently, he holds the record for the most credit cards and for the world's longest wallet, which stretches 250 feet, weighs about 38 pounds and can hold 800 cards. But he keeps most of them in bank safe-deposit boxes.
The "Guinness Book of World Records" gave him the title "Mr. Plastic Fantastic," and he has been in the book every year since 1971.

I like the last paragraph of the story, talk about 'revenge of a nerd'...

April 27, 2006

Ramblings about Illegal Immigration...

Members of my family have been going back and forth about the whole "Immigration Issue" for awhile now, and I have finally reached my breaking point with it.
In my store, if someone breaks in, then I will press charges on that person and see to it that the law deals with him/her.
BUT, if someone breaks into my Country, then I am supposed to to welcome them with open arms. The person illegally entering my Country will likely steal from Social Security by nevering paying into it. He will likely send all or most of his earnings to his family in Mexico or wherever he came from, thereby not contributing to the local and National economy. etc. etc. But I am an "evil conservative" for not wanting him to do these things. I don't get it.
If I break the law, I go to jail. Simple really. I am a legal Citizen of the US, yet if I break the law, I will get punished before the illegal immigrants do... What good does my citizenry do me? Now that I think about it, why am I so defensive about not letting the illegals into my Country? The US is a country of contradictions... sigh. Maybe I should sneak into Mexico and see how they deal with me...

April 25, 2006

Kids, when I say it's time to stop goofing around, ITS TIME!!

Dunedin, Florida - A Dunedin dad probably made his point about his son spending too much time on the computer. Pinellas Sheriff's deputies say he shot at the monitor as his son sat near-by. Forty-four-year-old Joseph Langenderfer was arrested Monday afternoon at his home on Frances Street.
His 22-year-old son Tim called 911, saying he and his dad were arguing and his dad had just shot at him.
The older Langenderfer reportedly told deputies he was mad that his son had not done the laundry and was spending all his time playing games on their computer. He told deputies that although he told his son he was going to shoot the computer, the gun accidentally fired.
The bullet hit the wall about three feet from where the son was sitting.
Langenderfer is in the Pinellas County jail charged with one count of attempted murder, (accused of trying to kill his son, not the computer).

I wonder if there was ever a time, ( in my younger days of course), when my dad felt like putting a hole in whatever my latest toy was at the time.