What is an American?
What does it mean to be an American?
What does it mean to be a citizen of the greatest Nation this earth has ever known?
How is it people from all over the the world want to come to the US, yet we are hated so much?
Is it our President's fault?
Is it our fault?
How is it that a Nation born in strife and raised in hardship has become so fat, lazy and miserable?
Have we not been blessed by an Almighty God?
Have we not had every blessing showered upon us that any Nation could ever hope for?
Why is it then that a leading Presidential candidate could attend a Church that preaches hate toward this great Nation?
Why is it that a hopeful First Lady of the grand Nation can stand and say that her Nation is a mean Nation, while that same person has been made a millionaire by the Nation she so despises.
How can it be that another candidate so hates the BEST health care this planet has ever known that she wants to ruin it by bringing it under the canopy of the State.
How can she not see that what makes America great is the People, not the State!
How can she not see what is happening in the UK? And in Canada, and in every nation that nationalized health care is being tried?
How can Americans be so dumb?
How can an American support Marxists and socialists like Obama and Hillary?
To me, the answer is simple.
We have become lazy.
We have forgotten our forefathers, who died for us to be free from maniacs like Obama and Hillary.
We have forgotten why America is what She is.
And sad but true, we don't know what it is to be an American anymore.
Obama and Hillary are not "Americans" as I see it.
They are Socialists, and pathetic naysayers.
What will it take for real Americans to wake up and realize that the Nation their forefathers died for is being taken over by socialist scum like Obama and his America hating ilk?
Both of my Grandfathers fought for the Flag that Obama's buddy William Ayers enjoyes stomping on and profiteering from.
A real American does what it takes to defend his Nation's Honor.
Phonies, fakes and traitors like Obama and Hillary know nothing about Honor and nothing about being Americans.
In short, an American is everything the Democratic Party is not.
Sadly enough, it will take something disastrous for Americans to wake up to the bad decisions we are making by choosing either Obama OR Clinton to run the country.
You should call into the radio show tomorrow night. It's about whether or not we're in a recession. 7 Pm CST at www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotaction
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