Random rants from the Heart of Texas
December 28, 2007
December 27, 2007
There's something about Fred
Yes, there is something about Fred.
Fred Thompson, that is.
I have spent quite a bit of time considering all the 08 US Presidential candidates, with as open of a mind as possible, and well, I keep coming back to Mr. Thompson. IMHO, he is the most consistently Conservative candidate we have available. Consistency is the key word here, and means the most to me.
Romney has the looks, the suaveness, and frankly, the smarts to make a great President. But somewhere along the way he loses me. Maybe because of his varying stances on key issues. Maybe because he just strikes me as a classic "politician".... I don't know.
Huckabee is a great guy, and I feel he is honest. Which is great, but his record on pardons scares me. I really don't want a 'Pardoner in Chief'. I want a President who respects our judicial process, and abides by it's decisions. Maybe he would be different in the White House, but I want a President who makes bad guys shake in their boots. Huckabee can still change my mind, but his appeal is fading fast, for me.
Ahh, Rudy.
I do love the guy. I really do. He is tough as nails. He doesn't take crap from nobody, and I love that. (Pardon the double negative)
He loses me on a few key issues though. Namely, Life, guns and Faith.
I know far too many Texans who would simply not vote than vote anyone who isn't rock solid on those three issues.
Ron Paul.
Excuse me, DR PAUL.
I like a few things he has to say. But he is just wacky on his foreign policy ideas.
I just don't think that isolationism is a good idea.
The rest of the field, I just don't know enough about.
Which brings us back to Fred.
For me, the bottom line in a Presidential election is, do I trust the candidate?
And for whatever reason, I trust Fred.