Man of the people?
Here is a comment from someone far more eloquent than myself.
Cynthia Hale wrote:
The duplicity and hubris of the Obama family has no bounds. While Barrack lectures we Americans about the sacrifices we must make for the good of the country, this couple sacrifices nothing (Michelle's sneakers, handbag; Obama's regular golf outings; NYC date; shopping in France; parties; and on and on). The Obamas hit the jackpot when the useful idiots elected this man as president. Now we watch as the Obamas feel entitled to live large which requires treating the US Treasury (i.e., our money) as their personal piggy bank. Yet we sorry saps toil through skyrocketing unemployment rates and an exponentially inflating misery index. And as if this isn't enough, we are saturated with Obama's insufferable arrogance and sneering condescension while he beats us over the head with cookie-cutter Marxist propoganda as we watch him wield the Saul-Alinsky-Rules-for-Radicals wrecking ball to our beloved institutions and our freedom. Marxists notoriously wring the wealth out of their countrymen (aka "equality of misery") while they drive around the countryside in Mercedes; we are watching the Obamas show us how it's done here. There's nothing about the high life the Obamas don't covet and intend to have. They intend to bankrupt us while this family has never had it so good.
Dang, if that doesn't wrap things up in a pretty little bow, I don't know what will.
Dang, if that doesn't wrap things up in a pretty little bow, I don't know what will.