June 03, 2009

What has America become...

It has been a long time since I have had the heart to post on my own blog. The last election cycle drained me, teased me, excited me and let me down beyond my wildest imaginations. Consequently, when faced with the disastrous results of last years elections, it took me awhile to gather myself and regroup for the next couple of years.
I have waited for a catalyst to re spark my interest in politics, and today I have found it.

Damn the torpedoes, I have found it.

Let me explain.

We have a President who hates his own Country so much he travels the world, on my dime, and apologizes for what has made us the greatest Nation this world has ever known.

He calls America a muslin nation, he spits in the face of our only true (Until now) ally in the Middle East. He bows to Muslim dictators. He kisses up to supporters of the 9/11 terrorists.

He is NO better than the terrorists that flew those planes. In fact, ideologically, he is closer to those terrorists than he is to George Washington and our other Founding Fathers.

What have we become?

We have a President who is half Muslim, half white, half black, half Christian, half this, half that. Whatever is politically expedient, that he is. Whatever tickles the majority of ears in his immediate audience, Barack Hussien Obama is exactly that.

I am already on Homeland Security's watchlist, so I have no problem emphatically stating that I despise barack obama. Heck, what is the worst that can happen? Surely he would never do what his power hungry predecessors have done... You know, things like shut down free speech, take over health care, nationalize banks and automobile undustries. No, not in america! Not here in the land of the "Free"....???!!!

Who am I kidding.
America has elected a President that even Communists like Chaves laugh at for being "Too socialist".

Nationalized health care, nationalized transportation, nationalized banking....the list goes on. Soon lord obama will be dictating our diets, and driving habits, and financial techniques.

Heil obama!

If ever there was a worthless piece of dog mess, it is barack hussien obama.