August 29, 2008

The fall of lord Obama.

What a day for Republicans.

After months of agonizing uncertainty over the McCain nomination, he has redeemed himself in grand style.

I have been waiting for the VP pick in trepidation, but once again McCain came through for me.
As a Texan, seeing Palin shooting a rifle and finding out she is a lifetime member of the NRA, pleased me more than slice of apple pie.

After all the talk of a Lieberman pick, I was ready to part ways with the Republicans and abandon all hope of a decent ticket. But good ol McCain pulled it off, and sucked the life out of lord Obama's despicable crash course toward socialism.

All I can say, is Mrs. Palin, please don't change who you are. The idiots on CNN and MSNBC will mock you and talk down to you, please just shake your fists at them and spit in their faces. If you will treat them with the same disdain they treat you with, then you will earn my trust and my enthusiastic vote.

Go get 'em girl!!


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