Lesson learned.
I haven't blogged much recently, it seemed lately nothing was going on in the world to inspire me. That all changed a minute ago, courtesy of MSN news.
It seems that a crazy dude in Washington State climbed a tree, perched himself in it, and began speaking to himself. The story mentions that the tree he decided to climb was a fig tree, I wonder if he ate any of his host's fruit... Anyway, said dude climbs said tree, sits in it babbling, and along comes a friendly neighborhood cop. Said cop saw said crazy dude in said tree, and commenced to pull his pistol and shoot said crazy dude in said fig tree. End of story. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13512149/
See, I didn't lie did I?
Oh yeah, I left out the part that it was an accident... but that part was inconsequential because even if the cop had pulled the right weapon and tazed the crazy dude, the crazy dude would have FALLEN, probably on his head.
Oh, and the best part of the story was the head line;
Man reluctant to leave tree is shot, reportedly says, ‘Ow, that hurt’
Really dude?
Are you sure it hurt?
I mean, it was just a BULLET!
Come on!
Sigh, something is wrong with a government that shoots it's citizens who choose to sit in fig trees and mumble to themselves... What's next? I sit at my computer and mumble to myself everyday....I wonder when I will get shot. I also at times mumble to myself when I am driving... Or taking a shower.