The case for McCain
I have found it a bit hard to jump on the McCain bandwagon, but the interviews at Rick Warren's Church, not to mention Obama's total lack of experience and his socialistic ideology, made it easy.
All the radio talk shows have been playing McCain's quote about the most difficult decision he ever made, and I didn't quite get it. But after reading a bit online about it, I realized what a real hero McCain is. He put his Country ahead of torture. He did the right thing, even though he knew it was going to cost him. He displayed integrity and honor. He did what was right. And he was forced to pay for it.\
The libs love to talk about how he, and W, "rode daddy's coattail's", but McCain did just the opposite.
For the first time since he candidacy became inevitable, I am beginning to understand why he is the best man for the job. He is a maverick, and bit ornery, but he is a Hero.
We all know that actions speak louder than words, and his actions say that he will stand up for what is right, even if it costs him.
He is the man America needs right now.
He won't let the terrorists win in Iraq and he won't compromise his core belief's or wiffle waffle on his positions.
He's got my vote.