Ramblings about Illegal Immigration...
Members of my family have been going back and forth about the whole "Immigration Issue" for awhile now, and I have finally reached my breaking point with it.
In my store, if someone breaks in, then I will press charges on that person and see to it that the law deals with him/her.
BUT, if someone breaks into my Country, then I am supposed to to welcome them with open arms. The person illegally entering my Country will likely steal from Social Security by nevering paying into it. He will likely send all or most of his earnings to his family in Mexico or wherever he came from, thereby not contributing to the local and National economy. etc. etc. But I am an "evil conservative" for not wanting him to do these things. I don't get it.
If I break the law, I go to jail. Simple really. I am a legal Citizen of the US, yet if I break the law, I will get punished before the illegal immigrants do... What good does my citizenry do me? Now that I think about it, why am I so defensive about not letting the illegals into my Country? The US is a country of contradictions... sigh. Maybe I should sneak into Mexico and see how they deal with me...
They'll probably just shoot you like they did that guy a week ago. The Federales THOUGHT he was an immigrant because he had dark skin, and shot him. Turns out he was just a citizen. Whatever.
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