April 28, 2006

Credit Cards...

Here is an incredible story.
Why can't I be this guy????
(Paying bills ontime helps...)


Jan. 14, 2005 -- Walter Cavanagh has 1,497 valid credit cards — all of which amount to a $1.7 million line of credit.
Currently, he holds the record for the most credit cards and for the world's longest wallet, which stretches 250 feet, weighs about 38 pounds and can hold 800 cards. But he keeps most of them in bank safe-deposit boxes.
The "Guinness Book of World Records" gave him the title "Mr. Plastic Fantastic," and he has been in the book every year since 1971.

I like the last paragraph of the story, talk about 'revenge of a nerd'...


At 10:54 PM, Blogger Shelly said...

Andrew & I saw the segment on GMA about him. We couldn't believe it! What an interesting goal to have!


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