March 26, 2007

Good Advice

Are you a good person?

What a question!

Several years ago I found my sitting in my boss's office. I had been caught pulling some stupid prank on the job, and had been called in to talk with the Boss. I was eighteen at the time, and I can remember my sweaty palms and trembling knees like it was yesterday.

I think everyone can relate to this type of experience, and it's an experience that most of us would like to forget. This meeting was exactly the meeting that we all hate the most. We know that we screwed up, and like a kid awaiting his spanking, we just want to get it over with as soon as possible.

I'll never forget Mr. "Smith" looking over his desk at me, knowing I was scared s***less, and asking me this question, "Daniel, are you a good person?"

Of course, at the time, I pretty much felt worthless. And of course I hesitated in answering his question.

He waited a couple seconds, probably enjoying my nervous squirming about in my chair, then said "Thanks, get out of here."

I stared at him, bug-eyed, and hesitantly said, "Yeah, I guess I'm a good person."

"Sorry, but it took you too long to say it, obviously you don't believe you are."

"But, I am a good person!"

"Then why didn't you say it?"

All I could muster was a few more timid blubberings as I a slouched out of his office with my tail between my legs.

The lesson that man taught me has stuck with me ever since, and every time I am faced with a tough or uncomfortable decision, I remember Mr. "Smith's" advice.

So, are you a good person?
No matter what anyone else says?

On paper, this is an easy question to answer, in real life it is much harder.


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