September 20, 2006

The Devil????

Today is a sad day for anyone who is proud to be an American.

There is an organization, with headquarters in NY, that has worn out it's welcome.

It is called the UN.

Today, this organization has shown what a farce and a despicable entity it is.
Today, a madman walked into a building on American soil, and insulted our President.
Today, on American soil, a group of madmen applauded the man who called The President of the United States "The Devil".
And just yesterday, the 5'4" Hitler of our generation, Ah-mad-in-the-head, stood on American soil, and spewed his putrid propaganda. (Oh how I would love to crush his ugly little head in)

The UN is a joke, and while I loved Mr. Bush's speech there, I feel he could have had more impact if he had forgone even gracing the council with his presence. The President's presence in a room gives it credibility, and the UN deserves NONE.

I will proudly vote for the first Presidential candidate who pledges to kick the UN out of the US, and the US out of the UN.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger Patriot Action said...

You wanna talk about the pot calling the kettle black? The satan that is Hugo Chavez calling George Bush Satan is on the verge of comical. It would be funny if it weren't so serious. In fact, the thing that ticked me off the most about the whole speech is that his devil comment made his audience laugh. Laughter! He calls the President of the United States the devil and people think he's joking. News flash***He's not joking, people! This man hates us and wants us dead. It's not a fricking joke. Stop thinking about yourself and wake up to the reality of today's situation. Don't underestimate Hugo Chavez. It isn't President Tom that's our most dangerous enemy. It's Chavez.


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